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  But, she had other ideas… she wasn’t just going to finger me - she was going to go down on me first. Her head left my nipple and slowly moved down my body, her tongue hitting all of my spots until she rested between my legs.

  My thighs quickly closed around her ears - holding her in place as her fingers pulled my pussy lips apart, giving more access to her long thick tongue as she darted inside of my cunt. I gasped, my back arched - my fingers holding onto the hair on the back of her head and pushing her down onto my groin as she licked me out - her fingers reaching deep inside of my wetness, my juices coating her fingers as she lapped at me. So expertely, so skillfully - so amazingly well as she tongue fucked me - bringing me to the edge of a massive orgasm.

  But, remember… I don’t typically ‘do’ multiple orgasms… and there was no way that this encounter was going to end without feeling her fist buried deep inside of me. I tugged at her hair as sweat poured down my face, my chest flushed - my tits red as I begged her to do what I have been wanting for so long.

  ‘Alexis - I need you to be fully inside of me. Please, I need your fist... Alexis please, please fist fuck me!’

  She looked up at me, her lips covered with my juices as she rushed towards me - her lips hitting mine, letting me taste myself on her as she brought the crest of her fist to the wet entrance of my cunt. I gasped, holding her close as she pressed hard against my lips with her balled up fingers and then whoosh! entered into me, stretching my cunt wide open as her lips stayed on mine, her tongue flicking into my mouth as she buried her powerful, tight fist deep inside of me.

  God fucking damn, this was all that I had ever wanted and here we were, her body - naked and hot pressing onto mine, out nipples fighting with each other, her fist deep inside of me as she rose and sank back into me - her pace fast as I reached to her cunt to rub her clit hard and fast, to help her towards her goal. She fist fucked me hard, each finger hitting different spots inside of my soaking wet pussy as her pussy suddenly became so overwhelmed with juices - as she started to squirt - her orgasm raining down onto my skin - my juices overflowing as I came close and then BAM! came on her fist, my pussy tightening, gripping hold of her and begging her to cum with me as I shook on my bed, my legs rising and wrapping around her ass - holding her in place - opening myself up wide for her - ready to receive her cum. Her lips still on mine until she broke away, her head lifted into the air as she let out a soft moan and shook - her pussy dripping - her cum dropping onto my cunt, our orgasms mixing together as we timed ourselves to perfection.

  ‘You have a nice place up here’ she said, as she picked himself up from my bed - standing there naked still, with a droplet of cum on the lips of her pussy. I rushed towards her and dropped to my knees to lick it off, tasting her orgasm and smiling up at her.

  ‘It’s still mine though’ I told her with a smile. ‘You’re only allowed up here when you’re invited…’

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  Spread the Babysitter

  She’s always been someone that I’ve had my eye on…

  I’ve been babysitting for about 3 years now. I’ve seen kids growing before my eyes – I’ve seen their parents fight, make up, and then fight again. Being a babysitter brings you into people’s homes, and also into their lives. Being a babysitter gives you a whole new insight into people’s existences.

  Now that I’m 19, I don’t do much babysitting anymore. I bag groceries at a local supermarket which gives me enough money to do the things that I want to do. Being 19 is a lot different than being 16 – I spend my money on going out with my friends and buying clothes, while I get myself mentally ready to jump into the real life world of being an adult.

  Being an adult kind of scares me a little. I don’t know if I’m really ready to ‘grow up’ – I don’t know if I’m ready to live on my own, or be responsible for all of my bills and my life. I guess that’s part of why I like to be a babysitter – it’s a time when I can feel as though I’m still younger than I really am.

  There’s another reason that I like being a babysitter, though. A big reason. A sexy mature, womanly and – experienced reason. That reason, is Mrs. Parsons.

  Mr. and Mrs. Parsons are the only couple that I babysit for anymore. I do that for a few reasons – their kids are easy to watch and are usually tucked up in bed before I get to their house. They live fairly close to me, and I can even walk there if the weather is good. They pay well, their fridge is always stocked with plenty of yummy snacks…

  And Mrs. Parsons is a woman that I have a HUGE crush on.

  I’ve only really thought of myself as being a lesbian in the past few months. Prior to that I always knew that I was attracted to some women, but I thought that maybe I was bi, or bi-curious. The more that I thought about it, though – the more that I realized that I just wasn’t into guys. Women do it for me, and women alone – and Mrs. Parsons does it for me more than any other woman.

  If I’m honest, I knew that I wanted her as soon as I saw her. They were late clients, introduced to me be a friend of my mom’s. I was already 18 when I started sitting for them, and I could tell that Mrs. Parsons wanted me to be their sitter as much because of the glowing references that I offered to them as because of my body. She’s pretty well known around the neighborhood as someone with a wild side, and my mom had mentioned that she thought that she was bi-sexual. Just one look from her, when I first turned up at their house – confirmed that suspicion.

  I’ve blossomed pretty well… I used to be awkward, flat chested, an ugly duckling. By the time that I had turned up at their doorstep for the first time I look good. My long blonde hair tumbles effortlessly down my body. My skin is smooth and natural. My tits are large, and perky. My legs are long and slender. When Mrs. Parsons first saw me, I noticed that her eyes were all over me and that she gulped a little.

  Normally that would kind of creep me out. I don’t usually go for older women – if I’m totally honest with you, I don’t actually have much experience with any woman. I’ve never had full sex, I did just stroked the cock of a guy that I went on a few date with when I still thought that I might be bi – and then went on a date with a very butch lesbian who I let suck on my tits while she rubbed himself off. The whole experience made me feel dirty and unfulfilled – and I decided at that moment that I was going to save myself and my virginity for someone special.

  I decided that I was going to save myself for Mrs. Parsons.

  I know – I know. I don’t usually go for older women, right? Well, Mrs. Parsons is different.

  She’s tall, but not too tall. She’s got long black hair and she’s got a decent figure… she’s got all of the characteristics of an attractive woman. Enough for me to look at and think ‘well, she’s okay’ but beyond that? Nothing that would ordinarily make me want to rip off her clothes and jump on her.

  And then, she smiles.

  That smile of hers is what turns me on the most. Her perfect teeth, her thin lips, her dimpled cheeks. When Mrs. Parsons smiles at me, it’s as though there’s no-one and nothing else in the room. My eyes are immediately drawn to her – I’m like a moth around a bulb. Her smile draws me close to her, holds me there, and then kisses me all over my trembling body. Her smile makes me weak at the knees and moist in my pussy. Her smile makes me want to open my mouth and ravage her, unbuttoning her shirt and licking her tits as I drop to my knees and make my way towards her groin. Just one smile, and my mouth salivates, imagining that her hands are on the back of my head – pulling me towards her wet pussy – letting me suck her – letting me taste her.

  That damn smile got me into a heap of trouble last night.

  It was a pretty normal night at their house. Mrs. Parsons had called me pretty early in the afternoon and asked if I were available to watch their kids while she and her husband went to visit his sick aunt in the hospital.
Apparently she had been ill for a while and had taken a turn for the worst, and the family were gathering to say their goodbyes.

  ‘Of course’ I’d said, sympathetically. ‘I’ll be there right at seven, as soon as I get off my shift at the supermarket’.

  You’re probably not going to be surprised to hear that I usually dress myself up whenever I go to the Parsons’s house. I usually wear a low cut shirt and a sexy bra, hoping to tease Mrs. Parsons and make her want me as much as I want her. I’ve usually got deep red lipstick on and I usually wear some sexy shoes, either heels or boots. I usually have plenty of time to get ready before I go over there – but last night was different. I had to rush over there as soon as my shift had finished, so I was still wearing my overalls from the supermarket. My hair was a tangled mess and I was wearing no makeup.

  “Holly” Mrs. Parsons said as she opened the front door. She smiled at me, but I could tell that there was something deeply wrong. All of the ingredients of her smile were there, but there wasn’t the excitement – her smile didn’t draw me in like it usually did. Her eyes displayed a sadness. “Thank you for coming”.

  “Absolutely” I replied. I felt a little sad myself. I knew that she was probably just feeling the strain of the situation, but I couldn’t help but feel that she wasn’t as enthusiastic to see me because I didn’t look as good as I normally did. My tits were covered by my overalls, my hair didn’t tumble freely. I looked like shit and as much as I knew that she was probably preoccupied by the knowledge that her husband’s aunt was dying, selfish little me couldn’t shake the feeling that she was disappointed by my appearance.

  They both left pretty quickly. Their kids were already in bed, so I plopped myself on the sofa and watched some TV. I must have dropped off to sleep because when my phone chirped to signal that I had received a text message, I didn’t know what time it was. I picked up my phone, feeling pretty groggy, and read the message.

  ‘I’m coming home’ it said – sent from Mrs. Parsons. ‘Alone. There’s something I want to talk to you about’.


  My mind instantly turned to bad things. I had the feeling that she was going to tell me that they didn’t want me to babysit for them anymore. Perhaps she had been so turned off by my appearance that she was going to hire someone else – some new eye candy for her to watch while her husband takes a shower after work to get ready for their dates.

  I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, catching sight of myself in the hallway mirror. I couldn’t blame her if that was what she was going to do – I looked like shit. I fixed myself a glass of water and waited for her to come back.

  I didn’t have to wait for long. Her car screeched into the driveway – and I heard her heavy footsteps bounding towards the door. I stood in front of the entrance as she flung it open, a strange look on her face – a look I’d never seen before. She didn’t look angry, she didn’t look upset…

  She looked hungry. Full of desire. And she was staring right at me.

  “Holly” she said, a little breathless. “There’s something I need to tell you”.

  Suddenly, I didn’t know which way this conversation was going to go. Hers eyes were all over me, even though I was still in my overalls and looked like crap. Hers face was a little read, her hair ruffled.

  “Yes Mrs. Parsons” I said, aware that she was undressing me with her eyes. Just from the way that she was looking at me, I could feel my body reacting. My skin becoming flushed, my heart beating loudly within my chest. My nipples becoming slightly enlarged…

  My pussy moistening. My mouth opening – feeling vacant. My desire growing.

  “My husband’s aunt passed tonight. Before she went, she managed to say something to me. She said – ‘if you want something in this life, take it. Before it’s too late’. That’s why I’m here Holly, that’s why I rushed home. I have to tell you something that I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long. I want you. I want to kiss you – I want to touch you. I need you.”

  “Jesus” I gasped, my mind swimming with her words. “I want you too, Mrs. Parsons.”

  She rushed towards me, still with that look of hunger on her face, but also with something else – something that I didn’t know if I would ever see again.

  That smile. That amazing smile that turned me on so much – and made me want her so much.

  We met quickly in the middle of the living room – her hands wrapping around my body – mine around hers as her head moved close to mine. We held our position for what felt like ages but was probably just a second or two before she leaned into me, closing her eyes as I closed mine – as her soft lips brushed against my own.

  My legs buckled as she kissed me – her soft lips pressing against mine – her mouth opening – taking my lips apart with them as her thin tongue darted inside my wet mouth – finding its partner – dancing in the void. I couldn’t fucking believe it – here we were doing what I had always dreamed about – making out in her living room. Her hands tightening around my body – my chest pressed against hers as she kissed me deeper – her hot breath hitting my mouth as her tongue swirled inside of my willing cavern.

  “Oh fuck Holly” she groaned, pressing her body against mine. I could feel her heaving breasts, her erect nipples through her clothing – her heart beating as strongly as mine…

  I could feel wetness through her pants – lining up almost perfectly with my gaping, open pussy.

  I let my hands drift southwards, wanting to kiss her forever but also wanting to make sure that I gave her everything that she wanted. My long fingers reached her ass cheeks, squeezing them – pulling her closer to me and feeling her wet pussy through so many layers of clothing as it became excited and began to pulsate. As I descended I took her hand down with me – first licking her fingers – readying them for my snatch. God, I was so full of desire for her – I needed that hand to bury itself deep inside my pussy.

  But first, I needed to take her pussy in my mouth.

  I pulled my lips away from hers – looking into her eyes, savoring that delicious smile of hers and flashing an evil little grin back at her. My hands coming to the front of her body started by cradling her head, before dropping slowly down her tits – my nails hitting every button until I reached her pants. Still standing, still looking at her at eye level – I pulled them over her ass cheeks – freeing her.

  Now – I had to go and investigate further.

  I began to drop slowly to my knees – my mouth grabbing at her flesh through her clothing – biting her – snapping at her before I reached my goal. I quickly reached her panties, pulling them down over her cheeks.

  I sat there on the floor, taking in the splendor of her glistening pussy. Freshly waxed by the looks of it, her proud clit standing to attention – begging to be licked, teased – sucked. Putting my fingers gently onto her lips I held them slightly apart until I could see the pink walls of her tunnel – before leaning into her, taking her clit and flicking it with my tongue.

  “JESUS!” she gasped, holding my head into her groin – pulling me into her, making me lap up her juices as one of my slim fingers delved into her pussy. Reaching for her G-Spot, rubbing on her walls as I sucked her pulsating clit. Her legs began to tremble as her juices streamed into my mouth – around my lips and down to my chin as she face fucked me – beginning to squirt into my willing mouth. “Holy fuck Holly – that feels fucking amazing!”

  As one of her slender hands held onto the back of my head, the other reached down to my front – her thin fingers diving into my bra and reaching for my tits – pulling one out completely until it hung over the flimsy supports. My nipple so hard as she twisted it – making me moan as her clit toyed with my mouth. Her pussy streaming - gushing as she became so excited inside of my mouth – as her hand ran to the other tit and lifted it from the holster. Fuck I was SO fucking wet – I needed her so much. As much as wanted to lick her until she came buckets down my throat – I needed her to fist fuck me. I needed her fist de
ep inside of my hungry pussy.

  I stood – finally taking that sweet pussy away from my mouth and pushed her backwards until she fell onto the chair behind her. A look of pure hunger on her face as she reached towards me, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards her. Hers hands pulling at my jeans, not even bothering to unbutton me but simply yanking them away from my ass. Her mouth coming around my hips, her tongue reaching to my ass – licking my flesh, biting me – her hand coming down quickly to spank me.

  “FUCK!” I gasped as the pain of her spank sent my pussy into overdrive. I pulled my legs out of my jeans – leaving them scattered on the floor as I brought a knee to her side and began to straddle her. My panties soaked by the juices of my eager, shaved pussy – my tits coming to her face as I cradled her head in my hand. “Again!” I moaned – “Spank me again!”

  Another blow struck my ass, her fingers remaining in place to grab onto my flesh and tease me – pulling apart the cheeks of my ass and slapping them together again. Her head coming to my tits, she took a nipple in her mouth and started to suck – sending a shot of pure orgasmic pleasure throughout my body.

  “Oh fuck Mrs. Parsons!” I groaned, holding her hand onto my tit – feeling hers warm mouth upon me – making her suck on me as I brought my fingers to the wet fabric of my panties and held them to one side. My hungry pussy practically reaching for her thick fist – which she brought to stand to attention below me.